Kawbawgam, the Chief, the Legend, the Man presentation Saturday, March 8 at 1:00 p.m. at the Marquette Regional History Center as part of the National Education Association’s Big Read this year.

The Mysteries of Marquette by Tyler R. Tichelaar
The Mysteries of Marquette

Odin's Eye: A Marquette Time Travel Novel
Odin's Eye: A Marquette Time Travel Novel

Vampire Grooms and Spectre Brides: The Marriage of French and British Gothic Literature—1789-1897
Vampire Grooms and Spectre Brides:
The Marriage of French and British Gothic Literature—1789-1897

Kawbawgam The Chief, The Legend, The Man by Tyler R. Tichelaar
Kawbawgam The Chief, The Legend, The Man