The Best Place Media Kit
Title: The Best Place
Category: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Marquette Fiction
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN: 978-0-9791790-7-5
Pages: 432
List price: $20.95 paperback
Trim: 6x9
Distributors: Marquette Fiction
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Photo of Tyler R. Tichelaar
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Reviews, Interviews and Praise for The Best Place
Susan Violante interviews Tyler for Seattle PI, September 18, 2013: The Best Place
Review - The Best Place: Reader Views, August 13, 2013
Interview - The Best Place: Reader Views, August 13, 2013
"The Best Place is for sure one of the most captivating and unique Historical Fiction book I read this year, one that will resonate in my mind for a while. I highly recommend it to adult readers, and place it at a high 5 star in my book!"
- Susan Violante of in Seattle PI, September 2, 2013
"The book is told through the viewpoint of this feisty, hilarious 77-year-old lady, and she's just a riot...because Lyla has this way of speaking her mind throughout the narration that draws you in and makes you chuckle no matter what topic she is talking about."
- Jenifer Brady, author of the Abby's Camp Days series
"Lyla, and her friend Bel, are so "real" I felt like I knew them personally. I had the feeling I was sitting with Lyla in her living room as she told the story of here life, sometimes skipping around as "old people" often do.... She's that "real." I laughed; I cried; I didn't want the book to end....There is a piece of her [Lyla] in most of us I think. And it's not a bad place to be."
- Deborah Frontiera, author of Living on Sisu