When Teddy Came to Town
Title: When Teddy Came to Town
Category: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Marquette Fiction
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN-13: 978-0-9962400-5-5
Pages: 380
List price: $19.95 paperback
Trim: 6x9
Distributors: Marquette Fiction
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Photo of Tyler R. Tichelaar
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Reviews, Interviews and Praise for When Teddy Came to Town
Review: Tichelaar’s New Tale of Marquette Highlights T.R.’s 1913 Visit. June 1, 2019, UP Book Review - a service of Upper Peninsula Publishers & Authors Association.
Interview: "President's Day history in Marquette" - Audio and text. February 18, 2019. ABC 10 News, Ishpeming, MI.
Book Review (PDF): Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal. Fall 2018.
Article: "When Teddy Came to Town" - New Tichelaar book focuses on Roosevelt, local period life. August 22, 2018. The Mining Journal, Marquette, MI.